Updates on 7th April

This page describes thoughts in progress on developing the blockchain.

Token Supply: The supply of tokens is regulated by the finite infrastructure of the healthcare system. If we add more infrastructure to the network, then the number of tokens released will also go up.

Launch of Coins: We need to launch the coins from outside India. The mechanism of releasing the tokens has to be placed outside India as we still dont have too much legal clarity. Support from UC Berkeley: We need help to refine and fine tune the token dynamics and the network design. On the technical aspect, we have blockchain developers who can build and ship out the token.

When to do an ICO: We will do an ICO only after establishing the "public good" angle of this utility token.

Token Definition: The capacity

To Do: 1. Bullet points/skeletal version of the white-paper to be shipped by Kerala Volunteer Team 2. Read and understand the details of the network by UC Berkeley Volunteer Team

Last updated