CoronaSafe Network WhitePaper page

This page describes the basic work to be done to setup a ERC 20 Token Blockchain for powering the CoronaSafe Network

Critical Steps to Launch Project “Suraksha”

Step 1: Get inspiration from EOS White Paper Step 2: Edit the White Paper to suite CoronaSafe Context.

Step 3: Critical Element (Token Dynamics + Value Creation)

Step 4: Value Definition of Token

Step 5: Outline of how token is used in Network

Step 6: Convertibility of Token

Step 7: Release WhitePaper for internal audience for feedback

Step 8: Release Free Tokens to Volunteers and then start token transactions

Step 9: In parallel build the ERC 20 Token System through Volunteers

Step 10: Freedom at Midnight: April 20th, 12 midnight.


Social and Public Good: Behavioural Economics --

The coin’s persona should have only a social angle and social good. There has to be a human value system and there has to be a public perceived persona. With the right combination of both, the usage of tokens will be high. The realisation that value has no absoluteness is the key. Accessibility to goods or services with whatever I hold is very important for the public.

Landing the Coins on the Ground: -- People should be able to get corona coins and get food and essential services like healthcare services etc.

This is important to create public awareness and right public perception. -- Benchmark: Amazon should accept the tokens to buy servers.


Logo: Dark Black Indian Elephant (Guruvayoor:

Visual Image: War Elephants and humans working together to stop corona virus army and creating a defence network.

Name should empower people: Sanskrit Name: SuRaksha


Tactics: --

Setup Volunteer call for Blockchain


Last updated